Executive Benefits Consulting

A Modern Approach to Executive Compensation & Retention

Partnering with Organizations Nationwide

Modern Capital works with credit unions, healthcare organizations, other tax exempt entities, privately held businesses and banks to provide cost-effective benefits plans designed to attract and retain talented leaders. More specifically, we specialize in Supplemental Executive Retirement Plans (SERPs) that engage and motivate your greatest asset—your people.

* Acumen Insurance Solutions Consulting Arm
** BoliColi Consulting Arm

Our Numbers Don't Lie

With our expertise in analyzing market trends and data, we consistently provide our clients with accurate, reliable, and competitive information. Whether you are looking to recruit a new executive, retain key people you already have, or offer additional creative compensation tools and benefits, our team of professionals are committed to helping your organization navigate the complexities of the modern market. Trust Modern Capital to guide you towards effective and efficient talent retention, recruitment, & fulfillment. 


Trusted Clients


Successful Audits


Combined Years Financial Experience 


Projected Returns & Savings

to Our Organizations

Trusted by

Credit Unions

Healthcare Organizations

Non-Profits & Tax-Exempt Entities 

Privately Held Businesses 


Executive Retention

Modern Capital's niche consulting practice specializes in designing, implementing, and servicing what are often referred to as Supplemental Executive Retention/Retirement Plans (SERPs). Whether your Credit Union is looking to implement a new plan, or is in need of a complimentary audit of current programs, Modern Capital will customize their hands on educational & consultative processes to meet the needs of both the Executive(s) in question, as well as the Board.

Increasing Yield

If your Credit Union is looking to increase the rate of return on some of your current investments, and/or put some of your excess cash and deposits to work, look no further than Modern Capital's Institutional Investment Team. Whether interested in Corporate Owned Life Insurance, Institutionally Priced Annuities, Structured Products, or Exposer to the Market, Modern Capital will offer you a wide array of investment allocations to meet your needs.

Maximizing Charitable Giving

Credit Unions are in a constant struggle between driving revenue to the bottom line and making an impact on those around us including our employees, members and community. In other words, we often ask the question: How do we do well by doing good?

  • At Modern Capital, we help Credit Unions Maximize their Impact via providing tailored and complimentary consultations on Charitable Donation Accounts (CDAs), the Community Impact Fund (CIF), as well as CDFI & Grant Assistance. 

Split Dollar & CUOLI Enhancement/Buy-Out

Modern Capital can help your Credit Union shorten the duration risk on in-force Collateral Assignment Split Dollar (CASD) plans, from the institution's perspective, while also enhancing and then guaranteeing the benefit to the participant in question. More specifically, this solution would result in the following benefits to both parties...

  • Participant(s)

    • Increase current projected annual retirement benefit to anywhere from 110-150% of its current value

    • Guarantee said benefit

    • Keep said benefit tax free

    • No longer require Institutional sign off when going to get annual benefit

    • Remove imputed interest taxation and/or PS-58 Costs (if applicable)

  • Credit Union

    • Cap the duration risk on the investment. For example...

      • 20 Year Cap at current yield/AFR

      • 15 Year Cap at 1% yield moving forward

      • 10 Year Cap at 0% yield moving forward

      • If participant passes away prior, plan works as originally planned: Employer is repaid everything they put in + interest immediately, from the policy death benefit. That said, if participant outlives the stated term above, pool pays Employer everything it is owned.

    • Alternatively, you can back the Promissory Note with permissible investments, so that the plan immediately no longer counts the 25% of Net Worth limit for otherwise impermissible investments.

Learn More

Effectively Invest in your Credit Union’s Human Capital

If you are looking for ways to retain your key people, offset employee benefit costs, or make a larger impact with your ongoing charitable giving – trust Modern Capital to design and facilitate your blueprint for success!

Contact Us

A Modern Approach to Executive Compensation & Retention

791 East 3rd Street Suite 200

Boston MA 02127 

